Thomas Sullivan speaks at the Offshore Disputes Week, Cayman Islands

Thomas Sullivan, senior attorney at Marks &Sokolov, LLC speaks on March 24th-26th at the Offshore Disputes Week, Cayman Islands. More than 100...

Lessons that May be Learned from Failed Transactions and a Proposal for Owners of Aircraft and Yachts on the OFAC SDN List

While it is possible to buy a grounded Russian owned aircraft if the owner and the aircraft are not on the OFAC SDN List (the U.S. Office of Foreign...

Bruce Marks, Managing Member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, speaks at the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on June 26-28, 2024

Bruce Marks, Managing Member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, is invited to speak at the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on June...

$7,695,000 Claim Against Kanye 2020 Presidential Campaign Successfully Dismissed

Marks & Sokolov attorneys Bruce Marks and Tom Sullivan successfully obtained dismissal under Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6) of a $7,695,000 claim against...

Bruce Marks gives interview to Russian NTV

Bruce Marks, former republican Pennsylvania State Senator, gives interview to Russian TV on Trump and Biden's Michigan visits    

Marks & Sokolov, LLC Obtains Recognition of Over $20 Million in Russian Judgments, Update

In November 2021, Marks & Sokolov obtained a significant victory in the Supreme Court of the State of New York on behalf of a leading Russian...

Marks & Sokolov lawyers obtained judgment on invalidation of franchise contracts and recovery of unjust enrichment

by | Oct 17, 2014 | M&S Updates, Results

What the case involved: Marks & Sokolov lawyers acting on behalf of franchisee obtained an arbitration award invalidating franchising contracts and awarding recovery of lump-sum franchise fee, royalties and other payments previously paid to franchisor
Process and Result: Marks&Sokolov lawyers represented franchisee (“Claimant”) in an arbitration against the franchisor (“Defendant”) of a famous US fast-food chain.
Claimant paid a lump-sum franchise fee, and within a long period of time regularly paid royalties and advertising fees. Defendant breached its obligations to ensure registration of franchise contracts with Russian patent office and to provide Claimant with IP rights under the contracts.
Marks & Sokolov lawyers managed to prove that the contracts were null and void because Defendant failed to register. Marks & Sokolov lawyers also defeated all allegations of Defendant that IP rights had in fact been provided to Claimant and proved unjust enrichment on the part of Defendant in the amount of lump-sum franchise fee, royalties and advertising fund fees.
The tribunal ruled in full favor of Claimant: found the contracts null and void and ordered Defendant to return to Claimant the full amount of what had been paid under the contracts (over $120,000).
Sergey Sokolov and Grigory Galkin served as lead trial counsel.
The Court of Arbitration for Resolution of Economic Disputes at the Russian CCIСуть дела: юристы Marks&Sokolov в интересах покупателя франшизы добились признания договоров франчайзинга ничтожными и взыскания уплаченных паушального платежа и роялти
Процесс и Результат: юристы Marks&Sokolov представляли интересы пользователя («Истец») в споре с правообладателем («Ответчик») франшизы известной американской сети быстрого питания.
Истец уплатил Ответчику паушальный платеж, в течение длительного периода регулярно уплачивал роялти и отчисления в рекламный фонд. Ответчик не выполнил обязанностей осуществить государственную регистрацию договоров франчайзинга и передать Истцу комплекс исключительных прав, что и послужило основанием для обращения с иском в суд.
Юристы Marks&Sokolov сумели доказать, что спорные договоры коммерческой концессии (франчайзинга) являются ничтожными и сумели опровергнуть все попытки Ответчика доказать факт передачи комплекса исключительных прав Истцу.
Третейский суд удовлетворил заявленные требования в полном объеме: признал спорные договоры коммерческой концессии ничтожными, применил последствия их недействительности в виде взыскания с Ответчика в пользу Истца заявленной суммы неосновательного обогащения, размер которой превысил $120 тысяч долларов США.
Сергей Соколов и Григорий Галкин выступили в качестве ведущих юристов в суде.
Третейский суд для разрешения экономических споров при ТПП РФ.