Thomas Sullivan speaks at the Offshore Disputes Week, Cayman Islands

Thomas Sullivan, senior attorney at Marks &Sokolov, LLC speaks on March 24th-26th at the Offshore Disputes Week, Cayman Islands. More than 100...

Lessons that May be Learned from Failed Transactions and a Proposal for Owners of Aircraft and Yachts on the OFAC SDN List

While it is possible to buy a grounded Russian owned aircraft if the owner and the aircraft are not on the OFAC SDN List (the U.S. Office of Foreign...

Bruce Marks, Managing Member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, speaks at the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on June 26-28, 2024

Bruce Marks, Managing Member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, is invited to speak at the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on June...

$7,695,000 Claim Against Kanye 2020 Presidential Campaign Successfully Dismissed

Marks & Sokolov attorneys Bruce Marks and Tom Sullivan successfully obtained dismissal under Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6) of a $7,695,000 claim against...

Bruce Marks gives interview to Russian NTV

Bruce Marks, former republican Pennsylvania State Senator, gives interview to Russian TV on Trump and Biden's Michigan visits    

Marks & Sokolov, LLC Obtains Recognition of Over $20 Million in Russian Judgments, Update

In November 2021, Marks & Sokolov obtained a significant victory in the Supreme Court of the State of New York on behalf of a leading Russian...

Thomas Sullivan is to speak at ABA’s IX Annual Conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes

by | Nov 2, 2017 | M&S Updates, Uncategorized

On December 8, 2017, the American Bar Association’s  Ninth Annual Conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related Business Disputes, will be held at the Marriott Novy Arbat, Moscow, Russia. The conference will be attended by representatives of more than one hundred law firms from Europe, Asia and America.
Thomas Sullivan of Marks & Sokolov, LLC will be speaking on the topic of foreign litigants taking discovery in the United States pursuant to 28 USC §1782, for use in legal proceedings in their home forum.  The conference is dedicated to navigating business disputes between Russian and US-EU companies, resolution of shareholder disputes under the new Russian arbitration law, enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and judgments, and strategic considerations in cross-border business disputes.
Event info
Presentation: Obtaining U.S. Discovery For Use In Non-U.S. Tribunals Pursuant To 28 U.S.C. § 17828 декабря 2017 года в отеле Marriott Новый Арбат Москва проходит IX Ежегодная Конференция, организованная при участии Американской Ассоциации Юристов «Разрешение коммерческих споров с участием сторон из стран СНГ». В конференции принимают участие представители более ста юридических фирм из Европы, Азии и Америки. 
Томас Салливан выступает с докладом: Применение участниками иностранных судебных споров мер досудебного получения доказательств на территории США для использования информации в иностранном процессе согласно §1782 раздела 28 U.S.C. Конференция посвящена обсуждению деловых споров между российскими, американскими и европейскими компаниями, разрешению споров в отношении прав держателей акций в соответствии с новым российским арбитражным законодательством, трансграничным деловым спорам, исполнению иностранных арбитражных и судебных решений, стратегическим решениям в отношениях между адвокатами и клиентами в эпоху повышенного напряжения.
Программа мероприятия
Презентация: Дискавери в США для использования в судебных процессах зарубежом в соответствии с 28 U.S.C. § 1782