Bruce Marks, Managing Member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, speaks at the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on June 26-28, 2024

Bruce Marks, Managing Member of Marks & Sokolov, LLC, is invited to speak at the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum held on June...

Bruce Marks gives interview to Russian NTV

Bruce Marks, former republican Pennsylvania State Senator, gives interview to Russian TV on Trump and Biden's Michigan visits  

Marks & Sokolov, LLC Obtains Recognition of Over $20 Million in Russian Judgments, Update

In November 2021, Marks & Sokolov obtained a significant victory in the Supreme Court of the State of New York on behalf of a leading Russian...

RBK – Russia gets new lawyers to represent its interest against Yukos

Россия нашла адвокатов для защиты от ЮКОСа, несмотря на санкции По меньшей мере три западных юрфирмы решили не представлять интересы России в...

1782 Discovery Blog: International Wires Frozen Subject To U.S. Sanctions May Be Released Pursuant To OFAC License

The United States has imposed sanctions on certain Russian individuals, companies and banks which prohibit U.S. persons from conducting business...


The United States has imposed sanctions on certain Russian individuals, companies and banks which prohibit U.S. persons from conducting business...

$7,695,000 Claim Against Kanye 2020 Presidential Campaign Successfully Dismissed

by | Jun 10, 2024 | M&S Updates, Results | 0 comments

Marks & Sokolov attorneys Bruce Marks and Tom Sullivan successfully obtained dismissal under Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6) of a $7,695,000 claim against Kanye 2020, which was formed to support Kanye West’s then 2020 presidential campaign.  On April 14, 2024, the Wyoming District Court dismissed the claims because the plaintiff had failed to plausibly state a cause of action against Kanye 2020 for an alleged breach of an oral or implied contract and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.  The Court found that despite plaintiff’s lengthy complaint, it was deficient with regard to specific allegations of contract formation.  The Court also found the plaintiff failed to sufficiently plead an agency relationship with the other defendants.  Kanye 2020 was dismissed from the case, with the claims against the remaining defendants transferred to Arizona.